To celebrate Volunteers Week, we have interviewed Jane to find out what she likes about volunteering with us.
Volunteer role: now working at Head Office doing various tasks, when needed.
When did you start volunteering? 1979 Sea going, as Volunteer Crew.
What activities have you done/do you do in your role? Whilst Sea going – nurse, watch leader, watch officer, medic purser. Shore side – have been a member, and membership secretary, of a local Supporters Branch, recruiting and sending young people on the ships/boats, fund raising activities etc. Now, I work at Head Office mainly doing various computer data base updating tasks, to reduce on Office Staff hours expended on them.
Why do you volunteer with Tall Ships? I enjoyed sailing in the Tall Ships and wanted to keep doing it, and it came with the enjoyment in supporting young people to meet a challenge and stretch themselves, build their confidence and find their potential. I realised it was a worthwhile cause, and kept going in some capacity or other.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering? Now? It keeps my brain active, and I still feel useful as part of a team. I can do it to fit in with my other activities.
Sea going? Each voyage was different, an adventure, posing a new challenge, so I was always learning something about myself and new skills, as well as supporting others.
Why do you think people should volunteer with us? The Trust is all about helping young people towards fulfilling their potential, meeting challenges gaining confidence, learning teamwork so vital in this modern age. In the early days, it was called “Adventure Training” – character building. The young people are the future, and the Trust gives them a good grounding to work with. All charities need volunteers, can’t think of a better one to take young people forward.