
Challenger 4 – Winchester House School (Year 8 leavers trip)

By Tall Ships - June 13th, 2019 | Posted in Voyager blogs No comments

Day 3

Entry Three

Oh hi again, it’s me. Wednesday was bacon butty day!! We were waved at by the Navy as they went past us in the harbour. As we set sail the weather was on our side, yet not very sunny, however that didn’t matter. We went on the boat and Evan fell ashore and got eaten by a kipper. Just kidding Evan did nothing all day. It rained pasties (from the kitchen) at lunch. The rest of the day was shouting at jellyfish.

Day 2

Entry Two

Today (Tuesday) we sailed across deep sea for around 25 miles. It was pretty sunny and thankfully no rain occured. We set up the main sail and as this achievement we had tea and cake. The mission of today was sailing into the wind which ended up taking a lot of changes to the sails.

Around 4pm we arrived and were allowed to go out into the town of Waymouth. Sadly the rain drowned us and we finished early and went back to the boat to a delicious meal of fish and chips!!!

Day 1

Entry One

Hey didn’t see you there. We are going to give you a chat about our trip on the Challenger 4. We have already had one day of being on this boat. So far so good. I have learnt lots of new things eg; how to tie a defender.Hopefully there is a lot more activities to come. Good bye.


p.s. Send help PLEASE!!!!! Xxx

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